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Appreciation towards Zaha Hadid Architects for providing the following description:
Project by the Block Research Group (BRG) at ETH Zurich and Zaha Hadid Architects Computation and Design Group (ZHACODE), in collaboration with incremental3D, made possible by Holcim. Establishing a new language for concrete, Striatus is circular by design, combining traditional masonry with advanced technologies. Coming soon to Venice, Italy.
the video © Zaha Hadid Architects
Striatus establishes a new language for concrete and is designed according to the following principles: Strength through geometry. Achieving strength through geometry, the Striatus bridge stands solely through compression without reinforcement. Using advanced technologies, from computational design and engineering to robotic manufacturing, Striatus revives traditional master builders’ techniques.
volume generation © Zaha Hadid Architects
Striatus was designed to place material only where needed, significantly reducing its environmental footprint. With no reinforcement and using dry assembly without binders, it can be repurposed repeatedly.
concept render © Zaha Hadid Architects
混凝土的新语言 | A new language for concrete
Striatus opens up a world of possibilities with concrete in a design that is structurally informed, fabrication-aware and ecologically responsible. Material is precisely placed to build more with less.
analysis of displacement © Zaha Hadid Architects
作为欧洲文化中心(ECC)在2021年威尼斯建筑双年展主办的“时空存在”展中的一项,Striatus即将在意大利威尼斯的Giardini della Marinaressa亮相。
Being built for the “Time Space Existence” exhibition, hosted by the European Cultural Centre (ECC) during the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021. Opening soon at the Giardini della Marinaressa, Venice, Italy.
the renderings © Zaha Hadid Architects
Project website: https://striatusbridge.com
Digital making-of video: https://vimeo.com/551894206
More: Zaha Hadid Architects。
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